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  GNU Debian

Everybody is welcome to my page where I would like to present some scripts/programs/configuration files I've been using and which can be useful for somebody who is trying to configure his linux box.

Debian GNU/Linux

I'm a big fan of Debian GNU/Linux distribution. I package and maintain few packages, so you can look at

Misc Scripts Ticks Trips Treats

dot-files - You might me interested in some configuration files (bash, emacs, mutt etc)

VAIOs - Some issues about configuring VAIO laptops under linux.

wma2mp3.sh - Simple script to reencode wma into mp3 trying to preserve the stereo/mono and bitrate parameters.

draftpaper.sh - Simple bash wrapper around impose+, acroread, and others to print "drafts" of the papers -- 2 pages per sheet, duplex printing if available. Can work on PDF/PS or just an http url.

ravanize - simple script to wrap around qsub (PBS) to faciliatate easy and reliable submission of the jobs. Thus the script will compose a .pbs file and tries to qsub it multiple times if PBS server seems to be down.

test_netperf.sh and plot_test.py -- simple scripts I wrote whenever I could not find any script/wrapper/anything which would provide me with nice plots of netperf over different MTUs. So I wrote this scripts and they might be handy (although they are just quick hacks) to investigate network performance a bit. Here are some examples

SMTP over SSH (exim) - How I've configured my exim to send email through ssh tunnel using running ssh-agent.

Matlab diaries - Do you want automatic logging of your matlab acitivies?

BASH history - Do you know "how did you install something last year?" or "where the hell I moved file favourite_pr0n a month ago?"

Dynamic BASH DIRSTACK - Would you like to keep a list of recently visited directories handy?

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And there is a small hint if you want to create .ps file under windows without using any specific tools